Creating a Kingdom Culture

Spiritual Gifts Test

Spiritual Gifts


Here at Tampa Bay Vineyard, and Vineyard USA, we believe the Spiritual Gifts are still active today and are available for all who seek them.

Spiritual Gift Assessment

We have recently found a more concise test. This has more details and provides your top 10 gifts. The assessment will take about 15 minutes and your results are shown immediately upon completion.

  • Don’t over think your responses

  • Put down your first reaction

  • Keep moving through the questions


Spiritual Gift and DISC Assessment (Cost)

An even more in-depth assessment of your Spiritual Gifts, as well as the 4 DISC Personality types, is available below. This will provide insight to which of 23 of the Spiritual Gifts you possess, as well as the DISC (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance) personality.

Pastor Jay and I both took this test over 10 years ago. There is a cost ($18) for this assessment.